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PTA provides opportunities to meet with others who have the same interests as you. By sharing common concerns, you will feel more empowered. Being part of PTA connects families and schools and results in parental support and makes school involvement easier. PTA also provides educational opportunities.

From local-level parent education meetings to the Texas PTA Annual Convention, PTA encourages learning and the sharing of accomplishments, interests and concerns. Ultimately, PTA provides the opportunity to serve, to volunteer and to contribute to the welfare of all children, because children represent our future.

PTA will introduce you to a great variety of new activities and opportunities to share your special talents. PTA will give you opportunity, not only to impact your local community, but to have input in major legislative and policy issues affecting children throughout the state. Membership gives you a voice for Texas children!

Texas PTA is the largest child-advocacy association in Texas.

Join the CommYOUnity today!

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